JC's Musings

Periodisation a Flexible Tactic

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Had a great chat to Karsten Jensen a few days back about all and sundry. A topic of mutual interest was this flexible periodisation, a particular area of passion for Karsten. Some things I really liked about his approach were these. First, he highlights periodisation is a flexible strategy not a rigid tactic, which resonates with me given previous posts on the topic. Second, he takes a holistic approach and acknowledges the influence of mind-body interactions rather than a purely physiological stress response model to periodisation. Third, there is latitude and room to flex in his approach, where tactics such as “novelty, unaccustomed stress and frequent changes”, or “choose models that are the most motivating” are central elements of his periodised approach.

If you want a good read on this subject matter, then head to Karsten’s website https://yestostrength.com/