JC's Musings

Concentric Force-Velocity Relationship

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Have you heard of viscosity or viscoelastic properties of muscle? How does it affect or explain the concentric force-velocity relationship (CFVR)? Does it affect the “feel” and function of a muscle? Can you change it to improve force and velocity capability acutely and/or longitudinally?

Viscosity refers to the property of materials to resist shear and flow. Certain fluids are more viscous than others due to their density. Also, viscous resistance can be influenced by the velocity of contraction, as shown by #1 and #2 in the figure. An example of this is when you are in a pool and you horizontally abduct and adduct your arms. As you perform the movement more rapidly in the pool you will note the water provides greater resistance which equates to increased viscosity or viscous resistance. Within the muscle the sarcoplasm offers the same type of resistance and as contraction velocity increases so does viscous resistance, which results in less net force production i.e., lower force at higher velocities in the CFVR. This is modelled in the three-component diagram as a dashpot (B) and its effect shown by the #2 on the diagram.

Check this out if you want to know about this and so much more from a physio (https://lnkd.in/gSgSJhqb ) or strength and conditioning perspective (https://lnkd.in/gkGaDGYr).